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6 tips to look younger without plastic surgeries

6 tips to look younger without plastic surgeries Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

A 64-year-old blogger (Health-e-Habits Nutrition on TikTok) is defying age with her youthful appearance, revealing the secret to halting the aging process. Surprisingly, maintaining skin beauty can be achieved without resorting to plastic surgery, according to a TikTok video where the woman shares her insights.

Stopping the aging process

According to the blogger, there are six factors that contribute to staying young and healthy. By caring for not just your skin but your entire body, you might find yourself unrecognizable in the mirror. Here are her top 6 recommendations:

1. Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet (ditch sugar, alcohol, and processed foods in favor of healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables).
2. Stay hydrated with clean water to maintain water balance.
3. Use sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure.
4. Incorporate liquid collagen into your routine (after consulting with professionals).
5. Manage stress and don't fret over trivial matters.
6. Integrate collagen products into your daily skincare routine.

@healthehabitsnutrition What do you do to look after your skin? #youthfulskinover50 #agelessbeauty #skinsrcrets #matureskinsolutions #timelessbeauty #skincareformaturewomen #agegracefully #youthfulcomplexion original sound - Health-e-Habits Nutrition

The blogger's advice has impressed users, with many noting her remarkably youthful appearance and the fact that no one could guess her age without seeing her passport.

However, some commentators added that external factors are not the only influencers of appearance, as genetics, individual traits, and other conditions should also be taken into account.

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