6 effective tips to overcome your fear of flying

Travel opens up the world to us, but the fear of flying often becomes an obstacle for many. However, there are many ways to take control of your emotions and enjoy flying.
Here are some tips that will help you overcome your fear and make flying enjoyable and carefree.
Knowledge is the key to calm
One of the most effective ways to overcome fear is to understand the processes during a flight. Learn how an airplane works, what safety measures are in place, and why turbulence is not dangerous.
For example, turbulence is just the movement of air, and modern airplanes are designed to withstand much stronger forces. Watching videos or reading articles from pilots can help dispel myths and reduce anxiety.
Also, learn about aviation statistics: flights are the safest way of transportation. When you know that the plane undergoes thorough checks, it will give you confidence.
Preparation for the flight
Proper preparation can significantly reduce anxiety. Book a seat closer to the wing of the airplane - this area experiences the least turbulence. Arrive at the airport early to avoid stress from rushing.
Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict movement and ensures comfort during the flight. Make a list of items that will help you relax: books, favorite music, or podcasts.
If you’re scared of confined spaces, try breathing exercises or meditation. Preparation for the flight is the first step toward controlling your emotions.
Use relaxation techniques
During the flight, fear is often heightened by physical tension. Learn breathing techniques that help reduce anxiety: inhale slowly through your nose, count to four, hold your breath for two seconds, then exhale through your mouth.
Try to imagine yourself in a place that brings calm and comfort, such as on a beach or in a forest. Use meditation apps or listen to nature sounds to focus on something pleasant. A light massage of your neck or hands can also help you relax during the flight.
Many people are afraid of flying on airplanes (photo: Pixabay.com)
Don’t avoid help
If your fear of flying seriously interferes with your life, don’t hesitate to seek help from specialists. Psychotherapists use effective methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps change negative thoughts.
There are also courses for overcoming the fear of flying, where you can learn to understand aviation and manage your emotions. In some cases, mild sedatives may be helpful, but only after consulting a doctor. Traveling with a companion who supports you and understands your fears can also be helpful.
Keep yourself busy during the flight
One way to reduce fear is to distract yourself with something interesting. Bring along a book that’s been waiting for you, or download a few episodes of your favorite show. Watch movies, play games on your phone, or draw if that helps you relax.
Talking with your seatmate can also help distract you from thoughts about the flight. It’s important to find an activity that you enjoy and that fully captures your attention. When you're busy, there’s no time for fear to grow.
Think about the purpose of the trip
Focus on the positive aspects of your journey: the adventures that await, the new places you will see. Imagine yourself enjoying a beach vacation, tasting local cuisine, or strolling through ancient streets.
These thoughts help shift your focus from the flight to the pleasant expectations. Remember, the flight is just a short stage on the way to your dream. Thoughts about what awaits you will help you overcome anxiety.
Check out also food and drinks you shouldn’t eat or drink before a flight.
Sources: Healthline, Vertigo, Lifehacker.