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6 cost-effective ways to stay warm in winter

6 cost-effective ways to stay warm in winter RBC-Ukraine collage
Author: Maria Kholina

Winter has arrived, bringing heavy snowfall and cold. Meanwhile, heating and electricity bills are high, and the desire to stay warm is more pressing than ever.

The British Cardiac Foundation shared six simple ways to keep warm in the cold.

Layer up

Wearing multiple layers of clothing, rather than a single thick item, is a smart way to stay warm in winter. Basic layers like thermal vests or long-sleeved tops are affordable and can effectively retain heat. Pay attention to clothing made of wool, cotton, or fleece fabric.

"Layer up, even indoors. Invest in a pair of good warm slippers and wear socks with them. Make sure you've switched to winter blankets and have your warm pajamas," advise the Brits.

Avoid drafts, heat the space

Try to block all the drafty areas in your home, including around windows, keyholes, and under doors. Keep curtains open during the day to let in warmth and light, but close them at dusk to retain heat.

Be smart about heating

If heating costs are a concern, be selective in choosing how to heat your home. For example, heat the room where you spend the majority of your time.

Ensure that the room where you spend most of your time (living room or bedroom) is heated to at least 18 degrees, if possible. Don't forget to turn off radiators in unused corridors or rooms and close doors to retain heat in specific areas.

Heat only the areas of the house that you need. For instance, you can turn on the heating in your bedroom just before bedtime. You can also use a heater or electric blanket to stay warm at night.

Make warming foods and drinks

A healthy, balanced diet that includes at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day can help your immune system function well in winter. Regularly consume hot drinks and eat warm foods such as porridge, soups, and stews to stay warm.

Remember that frozen or canned fruits and vegetables (without added salt or sugar) are as beneficial as fresh ones and may be more accessible if fresh produce is out of season in winter.

If you're trying to cut down on electricity costs, using a slow cooker, microwave, or air fryer can help reduce cooking expenses.

Stay active

Maintain an active lifestyle to improve circulation. Move at least once an hour and avoid prolonged sitting. Even light physical exercises can help you stay warm. When sitting, elevate your legs, as it's coldest closer to the ground.