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5 stars who survived assassination attempts

5 stars who survived assassination attempts Justin Bieber and Victoria Beckham (photo: RBC-Ukraine collage)

When you are at the height of fame, it grants you access to vast income and numerous opportunities. However, on the other hand, millions of people are constantly watching you, and their admiration can quickly turn into anger. And not just anger, but actions that can lead to extreme measures.

RBC-Ukraine highlights celebrities who survived assassination attempts.

Justin Bieber

In 2012, a fan of Justin Bieber plotted a brutal assassination attempt on the singer. Dan Martin, who was already serving time for the rape and murder of a teenager, instructed his former cellmate, Mark Staake, to castrate Bieber with garden shears and then strangle him with a necktie.

The motive behind this gruesome plan was Bieber's failure to respond to Martin’s numerous letters. Fortunately, the plot fell apart when Staake was arrested on his way to a concert for an unrelated crime. Disappointed by the failure, Martin revealed the plan to the police.

As a result, all participants in the conspiracy received prison sentences for the attempted murder, and Bieber emerged unharmed.

5 stars who survived assassination attemptsJustin Bieber (photo:

Victoria Beckham

Being married to one of the world’s highest-paid footballers comes with both prestige and certain risks. In 2002, a group of Albanian and Romanian immigrants planned to kidnap Victoria Beckham and her son Brooklyn, demanding a £5 million ransom from David Beckham (around 235 million rubles at the time).

The plot was uncovered thanks to a journalist who had infiltrated the gang while investigating a different case involving the sale of stolen antiques. During his undercover work, he accidentally stumbled upon the kidnapping plan. As a result, the criminals were arrested, and Victoria increased her personal security.

5 stars who survived assassination attemptsVictoria Beckham (photo: Getty Images)

Gordon Ramsay

The famous chef took on shark fin smugglers, nearly putting his entire film crew's lives in danger.

In 2011, while filming a documentary in Costa Rica, Gordon Ramsay and his team went to a port to speak with fishermen and investigate their shark hunting practices. However, unknown individuals doused them with gasoline and demanded they leave immediately.

Reportedly, Ramsay's persistence angered local drug lords. Eventually, Costa Rican authorities advised Gordon to leave the country for his safety.

5 stars who survived assassination attempts

Gordon Ramsay (photo: Wikipedia)


Icelandic singer Bjork was the target of one of the most bizarre assassination attempts in history. Ricardo Lopez, a fan and self-proclaimed racist, was outraged by Bjork's relationship with Black musician Goldie and devised a horrifying plan. He intended to send her a bomb filled with needles infected with HIV but lacked the technical skills to execute it.

Lopez then switched to a different method — a book containing an acid bomb. On September 12, 1996, he took his own life on camera while playing Bjork’s song "I Remember You."

Police discovered his body and video diaries detailing the plot, which led to the interception of the dangerous package. Ironically, Bjork and Goldie had broken up just days before this tragic incident.

5 stars who survived assassination attempts

Bjork (photo:

Mick Jagger

In 1969, Mick Jagger made enemies with one of the most notorious biker gangs—the Hells Angels. The conflict stemmed from the tragic events at the Altamont Festival, where the bikers, hired as security, fatally beat a Black fan of the Rolling Stones.

Outraged by the incident, Jagger vowed never to work with the Hells Angels again, sparking their desire for revenge. The gang planned to attack his Long Island home, intending to approach by sea and kill the musician. Late one night, a group of bikers set out on a boat, but a sudden storm capsized their vessel, forcing them to swim back to shore.

When the story reached the press, Jagger was dubbed "lucky," as the random storm saved him from certain death.

5 stars who survived assassination attemptsMick Jagger (photo: Wikipedia)