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5 'healthy' foods that will make you gain weight

5 'healthy' foods that will make you gain weight Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Maintaining a healthy diet is a cornerstone for many people in their efforts to lose fat and achieve their weight loss goals. However, an excessive focus on certain healthy foods, rather than consuming them in moderation, might be the main reason you're not losing weight, citing WalesOnline.

What to know about certain foods and weight loss

Understand that you won't lose weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

Overeating leads to fat gain, even if the food is highly nutritious.

Foods like whole grains, nut butter, and avocados contain essential nutrients, such as healthy fats and fiber, but it is still important not to overconsume them.

Top 5 healthy foods that can lead to weight gain if eaten in excess

Dried fruits

Raisins, prunes, apricots, and other dried fruits are good sources of vitamins like A, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium.

A handful can be a good choice for a healthy snack, but the fact that they are high in natural sugars and calories means you shouldn't eat too many.


Avocados are a popular choice for a healthy breakfast, containing healthy fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants.

However, a medium-sized avocado contains about 240 calories – more than a Mars bar with 177 calories, so don't overindulge.

Whole grains

Whole-grain options like bread, rice, and pasta are great sources of fiber, can improve gut health, and help control cholesterol levels.

Again, moderation is key, as overindulging in these foods can increase your calorie intake without you even noticing.

Nut butter

Spreads like peanut or almond butter can be good sources of healthy fats and proteins, as well as minerals like zinc, potassium, and magnesium. It's crucial to watch the sugar content, as nut butter can often be high in added sugars, causing calorie levels to skyrocket.

Dry cereals

A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day and give your body the energy it needs, but it's vital to know what's in your bowl.

Some breakfast cereals are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can lead to an energy spike followed by a sudden crash. Moreover, dry cereals are typically loaded with calories.