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5 types of alcoholics who do not know about their addiction: Check yourself

5 types of alcoholics who do not know about their addiction: Check yourself How to understand that a person is addicted to alcohol (photo:

Occasional drinking does not guarantee that you will not become addicted to alcohol. Doctors in the USA are sure that everyone who drinks can be divided into several groups, reports The Sun.

When it comes to alcoholism, the most common image that comes one's to mind is usually an unkempt person with a puffy face, someone who is unemployed and drinks every day. But this is already the last stage - when the disease is incurable, and health problems are so numerous that doctors throw up their hands in despair.

In fact, successful, attractive, and wealthy people can be alcoholics too. After all, addiction is an obsessive desire to drink that cannot be overcome. And it does not matter in what quantities and what kind of drink containing alcohol a person prefers.

That is why problems with alcohol can be so difficult to recognize. There is no single definition of who is an alcoholic and how a person suffering from alcohol addiction behaves.

Chronic heavy drinker

According to the Center for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Treatment in the United States, people suffering from chronic severe alcoholism are usually middle-aged men who started drinking in their youth.

This is the most obvious type of alcohol dependence. Such people may have problems at work due to their issues with alcohol, family conflicts, or constant loans and debts. Their mood swings, they are quite aggressive, and they can't imagine resting without drinking.

In addition, chronic alcoholics often suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health conditions.

Functioning alcoholic

It is possible to be dependent on alcohol while maintaining the facade that your life is in order. Such people do not suffer from the same overt consequences as the aforementioned 'heavy drinker' type. the same obvious consequences as the aforementioned subtype.

In functioning alcoholics, everything may seem fine on the surface: they have a job, family, and friends, engage in hobbies, and generally lead diverse lives. However, when they drink, their behavior undergoes a sharp change:

  • They cannot control the amount of alcohol they consume

  • They become aggressive or too sentimental

  • When close people ask them to stop drinking, they simply ignore such requests

In addition, such people probably have a stash of alcohol at home - it's calmer that way. With the help of alcohol, they cope with anxiety and stress.

Young alcoholic

Young adult alcoholics are people around the age of 24 who normally start drinking around the age of 20. At the same time, in just 4-5 years, they develop a craving for the substance.

Such people usually drink quite rarely. But if they start, then there is no way to stop them - the fun can last for several days. When offered a drink at an event or a party, such individuals will not refuse, even if they have an important business tomorrow.

Young antisocial alcoholic

These people are usually in their 20s and may have started struggling with addiction earlier than others.

"About half have a family history of alcoholism, and about three-quarters also smoke cigarettes and abuse marijuana," medical experts explained.

Such people are too impulsive, they are often unemployed and have problems with their studies and personal life. They are usually manipulative, deceitful, and reckless and do not care about other people's feelings.

Intermediate family alcoholic

This type is the most insidious. Usually, these are people who are indifferent to drinking at a young age. Problems with alcohol begin after 30 years.

Family alcoholics are family alcoholics because they drink at home, having a feast with their loved ones. This can be successfully covered by holidays and joint dinners, but you should be careful if there is definitely alcohol on the table during the celebrations.

They often have a familial link to alcoholism.

When addiction occurs

7 signs that a person has turned from an occasional drinker to an addict:

  • to achieve the effect, "for the mood" you need to consume more and more alcohol

  • a person drinks alone and without reason

  • drinking becomes a regular ritual, like brushing your teeth

  • memory lapses appear in a sober state

  • the body's protective reflex in the form of vomiting disappears

  • there is a desire to "recover" - to get drunk

  • after a heavy pour, the feeling of aversion to alcohol disappears the next morning

Earlier we wrote about how detrimental loneliness could be to your body and health.

Also, read our material on what happens to the liver if you stop drinking alcohol.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.