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4 zodiac signs that desperately need love but will never ask for it

4 zodiac signs that desperately need love but will never ask for it Zodiac signs that need love the most (Collage: RBC-Ukraine)

These astrological symbols may appear outwardly cold and somewhat detached, but they actually have a tender soul and a warm heart.

Collective World discusses zodiac signs that deeply need love.


You need care more than anyone else, even though you don’t show it. This often happens because you don’t believe you deserve devoted love.

You think it’s better to silently suffer alone than to risk and get what you want, or to worry about potential loss. So, subconsciously, you think about hugs, kisses, and kind words, but outwardly you display coldness and detachment, as if signaling to others that they shouldn't stay close to you.


Virgos have determined for themselves why they don't want to ask for love — because they have faced a tough path since childhood and fear being betrayed by people who come into their lives.

Virgos do a lot for others, but when it comes to themselves, they become distant and even a bit wild. For them, it’s a way to stay safe — by keeping a distance. Therefore, when Virgos show their soft and tender nature, it means you are among those they love and truly trust.

4 знаки Зодіаку, які відчайдушно потребують кохання, але ніколи про нього не попросять

Which zodiac signs want to be loved (Photo:


They want someone to jump when they say "jump," or to follow their wild actions, the instructions for which no one is going to explain.

Sagittarians long for someone who understands what and when they need to say; who will pull them when needed; who will chase them when they run away.

The only way to know all these desires in their head is to truly get to know them. Scorpios find it difficult to find someone who meets their demands. They also have a fear that their expectations will not be met over time.


People of this sign can be somewhat disappointed in others and can't fully explain why. They rarely experience relationships like those in books or love movies. Because of this, Pisces sometimes feel a sense of guilt.

They often compare their lives to the stories of acquaintances, movie plots, etc. When they fail to achieve their own level of perfection in life, they are prone to despair and start to undervalue themselves.

Therefore, the stars advise Pisces to come to terms with the mundane and understand that there can also be something good in it.

Read more about which zodiac signs feel abandoned in relationships.