3 unusual signs on the hands that indicate liver problems

The liver is a vital organ that performs numerous functions in the body. Unusual signs may appear on the hands, indicating potential liver disease, making it crucial to recognize them in time, according to the Cleveland Clinic website.
What harms the liver
Even a small amount of alcohol can harm your health by causing fat to accumulate in the liver. This organ plays a critical role in metabolizing alcoholic beverages, but excessive consumption pushes the liver to its limits.
Research has shown that overconsumption of salt negatively impacts liver function. Additionally, snacks high in refined carbohydrates, corn syrup, and fructose overload this vital organ.
Symptoms of liver problems may not appear immediately. Signs often become noticeable only as liver function begins to decline.
One of the earliest side effects of impaired liver function is the disruption of bile flow in the bile ducts. This means the liver can no longer produce and deliver bile efficiently to the small intestine.
This can lead to symptoms such as:
- jaundice (a yellow tint in the whites of the eyes and skin);
- dark urine;
- digestive difficulties, particularly with fats;
- weight and muscle loss;
- mild cognitive impairment.
As liver disease progresses, it can affect blood flow, hormones, and nutritional status. These changes may manifest in various ways, including noticeable signs on the skin and nails.
Three symptoms that appear on the hands
Bumps on nails
Liver problems can cause nails to appear wider, sponge-like, or develop ridges. This often begins with the thumb and index finger and can spread to other nails.
This condition may be caused by cirrhosis - a severe scarring of the liver. It is believed that cirrhosis increases blood flow to the fingers, which leads to vein expansion.
Red palms
Red spots on the nails can also be a sign of cirrhosis. Palms may feel warm or even hot.
Approximately 23% of people with cirrhosis experience this symptom, known medically as palmar erythema.
Half-white nails
Liver disease can cause most of the nails on the hand or foot to turn white, resembling frosted glass. Additionally, these individuals often lack the crescent-shaped lunula near the cuticle.
Other symptoms of liver disease that may appear on the skin include:
- tiny red spots on the skin (petechiae);
- small yellow fat bumps on the skin or eyelids;
- easy bleeding and bruising;
- itchy skin.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.