20 everyday things that Kate Middleton can't do

Many of us imagine Kate Middleton's life as a fairy tale: living in luxurious castles, traveling, attending receptions, wearing elegant outfits and family jewels, accompanied by a staff that caters to her every need, and, of course, having a husband who is a prince and future heir to the British throne. However, not everything is as rosy in the life of royalty.
What Kate Middleton is banned from doing
Posing for selfies
Members of the royal family frequently interact with the public and fans, but they are not allowed to pose for or take selfies. They are permitted only handshakes and greetings.
Giving autographs
This is prohibited because royal signatures could be forged and used for fraudulent purposes.
Kate Middleton during a meeting with children (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Signing documents
According to royal rules, Middleton is only permitted to sign documents that have been pre-approved by the king. This rule is in place to prevent signature forgery.
Going to bed before the king
Kate cannot go to bed whenever she pleases. This is considered bad manners and a sign of poor upbringing. Sir William Heseltine, former Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth II, once stated "Nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did."
Kate Middleton (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Continuing to eat after the monarch has finished
An unwritten rule in the palace dictates that during dinner or any meal, once the monarch has finished eating, other family members must also set down their plates, even if they haven't finished their meal. Therefore, Kate, like other members of the royal family, must adjust her eating pace to match the king’s.
Eating oysters, mussels, and other shellfish
This ban isn't about making the royal family seem more relatable or saving money. The Princess of Wales is prohibited from eating mussels, oysters, and other shellfish because improper storage can make them toxic.
King Charles III (photo: instagram.com/theroyalfamily)
Traveling with children in the same vehicle
An old rule discourages titled parents from traveling with their children in the same plane, to prevent an entire line of succession from being wiped out in case of a disaster.
Taking off outerwear in public
Kate and other royals are advised against removing their coats or other outerwear in public. Perhaps this is why royal family members tend to wear coat dresses during colder seasons.
Princess of Wales (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Choosing very bright or provocative outfits
The protocol requires the duchess to wear modest, conservative clothing in muted tones. The Queen insisted that members of the royal family should embody modesty. Therefore, overly revealing styles, short skirts, and plunging necklines are strictly forbidden.
Wearing clothes made of natural fur
This prohibition dates back several centuries, as the royal family is staunchly against cruelty to animals.
The royal family (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Wearing bright makeup
As with clothing, a royal woman's makeup should be as natural and understated as possible.
Painting nails in dark shades
Any experimentation with nails is also forbidden: no extremely long nails, intricate designs, neon, or bright colors. Kate’s hands must be well-groomed but with manicures in nude or very subdued shades.
Kate Middleton (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Having a personal social media account
While Kate and Prince William have an official Instagram page, it serves as a work account where they share information about their activities. Royal family members are not allowed to have personal accounts to avoid potential leaks of private information.
Although the Princess of Wales has a degree in art history, she is not permitted to work in a regular job. Instead, she can engage in socially meaningful activities such as attending the openings of public buildings, representing the country at international events, and participating in educational projects.
The family during the reception (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Earning and receiving Income
Kate has a hobby — photography. But as a member of the royal family, she cannot earn any income, salary, or fees from this hobby.
Expressing political views
According to royal protocol, members of the royal family are prohibited from publicly expressing their political views. They must maintain neutrality.
Kate (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
The princess is not allowed to vote or support any candidate. This rule exists to ensure the political stability of the United Kingdom.
Showing affection for her husband in public
To many, Kate and William’s relationship may seem distant, but in reality, the couple is simply following protocol, which dictates that public displays of affection should be avoided.
A married couple (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Shopping alone
Even though Kate enjoys shopping for groceries and visiting boutiques, she is strictly forbidden from doing so alone. Middleton must leave the palace accompanied by security guards, according to safety regulations.
Playing Monopoly
Years ago, the late Queen Elizabeth II banned family members from playing this iconic game. One time Prince Andrew confessed that the innocent strategy game made them overly competitive: “We're not allowed to play Monopoly at home. It gets too vicious.”
Kate Middleton (photo: instagram.com/princeandprincessofwales)
Sources: L'OFFICIEL USA, HELLO!, Fakty.