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Cheapest rental housing in Czech Republic: prices by regions

Cheapest rental housing in Czech Republic: prices by regions A neighbourhood in Brno (
Author: Maria Kholina

As of July 1, the living conditions for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic have changed. After five months of stay, most Ukrainians are required to rent housing on their own.
To ensure they have enough money for rent, refugees are advised to move to the regions. provides information on where to find the cheapest apartments in the Czech Republic.

Cheaper rental housing

The most expensive housing is in Prague. In the Czech capital, the cost per square meter is 342 Czech crowns (14.34 euros). However, for those who only want to live in the capital, the cheapest apartments are located in the peripheral districts of Prague with poor accessibility to the city center.

The cheapest apartments can be found in the Ustec region (172 crowns - 7.21 euros) and the Moravian-Silesian region (180 crowns - 7.54 euros).

The low housing prices in these regions are due to their industrial past and proximity to the borders. For example, the city of Ostrava, located 15 kilometers from the Polish border in northeastern Czech Republic, is the third largest city after Prague and Brno. The city was known for its powerful heavy industry in the past. Although it is now starting to develop in various areas, it will take some time for the rental prices to correspond to the new level.

Renting larger apartments is more cost-effective

The BezRealitky portal advises renting larger apartments to save money. Smaller accommodations are more expensive in relation to their size. You can share larger apartments with other families. For example, if a four-room apartment is rented, several people can save thousands of crowns per month compared to living separately.

Де у Чехії найдешевше орендувати житло: ціни в регіонахPhoto: Rental apartment (

What to pay attention to when searching for a place to rent

A cheap rental price sometimes raises concerns, as the apartment may have hidden flaws.

For example, apartments with weak heating and high humidity often develop mold, and heating costs will be higher in uninsulated apartments during winter. Dust mites may live in old, soft furniture.

Apartments that owners do not want to invest money in for repairs are significantly cheaper. You might also come across unauthorized living spaces through advertisements, such as garages or basements, which are being rented due to a shortage of small-sized apartments and increased prices for them. Warning: living in such premises is harmful to health.