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Zelenskyy and Biden to discuss lifting restrictions on long-range missiles

Zelenskyy and Biden to discuss lifting restrictions on long-range missiles Ukrainian president Zelenskyy and US president Biden (Photo: Getty Images)

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will discuss lifting restrictions on the use of long-range missiles with U.S. President Joe Biden later this month, according to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Sullivan made the relevant statement at the Yalta European Strategy Forum. According to the national security advisor, Joe Biden will speak directly with Volodymyr Zelenskyy about using long-range weapons and the "significant" military aid package being prepared.

Sullivan noted that the presidents would discuss lifting restrictions from Ukraine later this month, likely at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The US presidential advisor also emphasized that the question of whether Ukraine would be allowed to use Western weapons for deep strikes within Russia had been the subject of "intense consultations" among allies.

Earlier, Zelenskyy stated he wanted to present Biden with Ukraine's victory plan.

"I do think we need a comprehensive strategy for success in this war and that is what president Zelenskyy says he is bringing," Sullivan said, adding that Biden is "eager for this conversation."


Ukraine has been urging its partners to lift restrictions on the use of Western-supplied weapons for strikes against targets on Russian territory. This includes long-range missiles provided by the US and the UKю

This topic has been a point of discussion between Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as well as the UK Foreign Secretary, both of whom visited Kyiv this week.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has already threatened NATO with being drawn into the war. Meanwhile, President Zelenskyy calls for a swift decision, as any delay gives Russia time to move targets deeper into the country.