Yoga or Pilates: Difference and which training better for you

Yoga and Pilates are low-impact workouts that focus on using bodyweight resistance. Both workouts can improve overall health, but you should choose the best one for yourself.
RBC-Ukraine reports on the difference between the workouts and their disadvantages.
Pilates focuses on small movements that require the use of important stabilizing muscles in the back and abs. Much attention is paid to starting each exercise with controlled breathing, which initiates muscle contraction.
Such exercises can be performed on a mat or special equipment, as only springs, levers, and body weight are used for resistance.
Training can be beneficial for those with the following conditions
- arthritis
- joint injuries
- back pain
Pilates (photo: Freepik)
Pilates can be beneficial for the elderly or those recovering from an injury due to its lightweight exercises. There are many forms of Pilates. The main difference between them is the type of equipment used.
Mindfulness and deep breathing are key features of yoga. It combines physical activity and concentration. It improves awareness of breath and energy.
In addition to the physical and mental benefits, yoga is also known to have a positive effect on:
- anxiety
- depression
- multiple sclerosis
- arthritis
- hypertension
- chronic pain
Yoga (photo: Freepik)
Training focuses on the proper use of breathing during exercises. Many types of yoga require considerable flexibility and mobility of the joints, especially the spine, hips, and wrists.
Yoga can help deepen your meditation practice and improve flexibility and posture.
Studies show that practicing yoga frequently before bed can help put you in the right frame of mind and prepare you for a good night's sleep.
The difference between yoga and Pilates lies in the breathing technique. In Pilates, breathing is used to supply oxygen to the muscles, while in yoga, it is also an opportunity to control your body.
Yoga exercises require reflection, understanding, and concentration.
When choosing yoga classes, you need to be prepared to work on yourself learn to control your strength and emotions, and achieve a positive mood and calmness.
While Pilates is based on the physical condition of a person, this program works on the abs and back muscles.
Sources: Healthline, The Studio Pilates, and Hopkins Medicine.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.