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Worse than al-Qaeda: Biden calls Hamas pure evil

Worse than al-Qaeda: Biden calls Hamas pure evil Photo: President of the U.S. Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The brutality with which Hamas militants operate outshines even al-Qaeda, according to U.S. President Joe Biden.

"The more we learn about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. These guys make Al-Qaida look pure. They are pure evil," Biden said.

The President emphasized that the United States will continue to support Israel and at the same time, help mitigate the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

"At my direction, our teams are working in the region — including communicating directly with the governments of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab nations and the United Nations — to surge support for the humanitarian consequences for Hamas attacks to help Israel," Biden said.

American aid to Israel

Earlier, U.S. President Joe Biden ordered additional support for Israel after the Hamas terrorist attack. Also, according to media reports, the White House is working to fulfill Israel's request for an urgent transfer of weapons.

Following talks between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House press service said that additional aid for the Israeli Defense Forces is being sent to Israel, and additional aid will be provided in the coming days.

Thus, as of October 13, it is known that a second plane with US weapons has arrived in the country. There were also reports of possible plans by America to deploy a Marine unit in the country.