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White House comments on Kursk region situation: Russia attacks Ukrainians from this region

White House comments on Kursk region situation: Russia attacks Ukrainians from this region White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre (Getty Images)

The United States did not know about the operation in the Kursk region in advance, but the Administration will turn to Ukraine to learn about its details and purpose, according to White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre.

The spokeswoman did not comment on whether Ukraine was using American weapons for this attack. But she reminded that the US policy of banning strikes across the border between Ukraine and Russia remains unchanged.

At the same time, she emphasized that Ukraine had the right to defend itself against Russia and added that the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to defend itself against Russian aggression.

“We have to remember that — obviously, in this region (Kursk region - ed.), that there’s Russian troops there. They are in a region of Russia. And they’re in that region attacking Ukraine. And so, we can’t forget that,” the White House spokeswoman said.

She notes that as long as Ukraine defends itself against Russian aggression, the United States will continue to support it.

“We’re going to continue...And they are going to take actions — right? — commonsense actions to — certainly to protect themselves from these attacks,” the official said.

Fighting in Kursk region

Since the beginning of this week, there have been clashes in the Kursk region of Russia between the Russian military and what Russians claim is the Ukrainian army, which has allegedly broken through the border. So far, the Ukrainian side has not officially confirmed the participation of troops in the events.

Yesterday it was reported that a well-known Russian military commander was killed in the Kursk region. He probably died from an FVP drone attack.

Read more about the situation in RBC-Ukraine's article “What is purpose behind breach in Kursk region and why is General Staff silent?