Whines and complains all time. Main whiner among zodiac signs named

Astrologers have identified the zodiac sign that most often complains about life and is prone to pessimism and named the main whiner in the entire horoscope.
Which zodiac sign likes to complain about life
The palm branch of the championship in the nomination "the most prone to complaints and discontent" confidently goes to Virgo.
What makes Virgo the "chief whiner"? Astrologers attribute this tendency to a set of characteristic traits inherent in this sign that fuel their tendency to constantly criticize and complain.
Natural perfectionism and analytical mindset
Virgos are known for their incredible attention to detail and their desire for perfection in everything they do. Their analytical minds are constantly scanning the world around them in search of flaws and inconsistencies with the ideal. As Cosmopolitan notes, "Virgos look at the world through the prism of imperfection, constantly discovering what can be fixed or improved." While this trait is valuable in the professional sphere, in everyday life it often translates into a continuous stream of criticism and complaints about everything that does not meet their high standards.
Unhealthy self-criticism and high expectations
Virgo perfectionism is directed not only at the outside world but also at themselves. They set an almost unattainable standard of perfection for themselves, and any deviation from it is perceived as a personal defeat. Dissatisfaction with themselves and their own achievements is expressed in constant complaints about unfavorable circumstances and imperfect people around them.
Anxiety and pessimistic outlook
Virgo's analytical mind tends to constantly chew over problems and potential negative scenarios. They tend to dwell on difficulties and shortcomings, ignoring opportunities and positive aspects of the situation. This constant state of anxiety and pessimism naturally translates into complaints and grievances.
Need for order and total control
Virgos value structure, organization, and predictability. Any manifestation of chaos, disorder, or spontaneity causes them discomfort and deep dissatisfaction. The feeling of losing control over the situation or the behavior of other people becomes a reason for the representatives of this zodiac sign to express dissatisfaction and irritation.
However, remember: instead of hastily staying away from Virgos, you should try to understand their nature more deeply and learn to appreciate their strengths, while taking into account their possible tendency to criticize, which, if handled correctly, can even be helpful.
Earlier, we talked about the tarot horoscope for this week.
Also, only these 4 zodiac signs will feel the magic of change in 2025.
Sources: Allure, Cosmopolitan, Astrology.com.