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Weekly Tarot horoscope

Weekly Tarot horoscope Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs (illustrative photo: Getty Images)

The new week, from October 21 to 27, will pleasantly surprise Scorpios and Libras. Meanwhile, Pisces and Sagittarius should prepare for challenging trials.

This is what the Tarot horoscope for the week promises, according to Metro website.


The Tarot cards advise you to pay close attention to what happens this week. The events and news that fate has in store for you will not only change a lot but will also reveal the true faces of some people.


Think about what you are currently dissatisfied with and how to change it. The answer may be very simple, yet for some reason, you hesitate to acknowledge it. This week is ideal for making decisions that require you to be responsible and bold.


The Tarot cards suggest you listen to your desires. This week will be special, as you have the opportunity to reach unprecedented heights. However, you will need to let go of habits and relationships with people who only bring harm and negativity.


The new week will help you recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t shy away from your accomplishments, but also learn to acknowledge your mistakes. Don’t worry; there won’t be any new problems.


In the coming days, it’s wise to let go of excessive self-confidence. This week, it will likely be challenging to manage without the help of close friends and family. So don’t hesitate - to voice your problems and accept support.


It's time to face your fears. This week, you'll have the chance to reach for the stars; just allow yourself to be the center of attention. Don’t be afraid of recognition and great achievements - you deserve it.


The Tarot cards promise you a significant breakthrough in your relationships. If you want to make a change, speak up boldly. And if your heart is open to new connections, don’t stay at home - spend more time with new people.


This week will be fun and highly productive. You’ll have the opportunity to realize your dreams and find time for genuine adventures. Additionally, make sure to help those in need.


Start appreciating those around you. Don’t succumb to impulsive emotions; keep your composure. This week, it’s better to avoid making important decisions and simply ride out the storm.


The Tarot cards promise you very interesting events. You will be surrounded by people who can share something significant with you - a secret or incredibly valuable information. Make sure to make the most of the opportunity you receive.


The new week will be challenging. You’ll need to show your teeth and stand up to those who try to violate your boundaries. Don’t be afraid to defend your position and don’t fall for manipulations.


The Tarot cards suggest a test of resilience. The universe will tempt you, and you must resist. If you manage to overcome these temptations, a reward awaits you soon.