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Viral Christmas ad touched everyone: Festive story with Bocelli singing

Viral Christmas ad touched everyone: Festive story with Bocelli singing Screenshot from the ad
Author: Maria Kholina

The elite department store brand John Lewis & Partners has released its new Christmas advertisement. Every year, the company presents a video that marks the beginning of the festive shopping frenzy - the season when people start buying gifts.

The new ad that was posted on the John Lewis YouTube channel has gone viral and touched the hearts of viewers.

About the Christmas ad

The video tells a touching story. A boy named Alfie goes shopping with his grandmother and accidentally comes across a mysterious box labeled "The Perfect Christmas Tree." Inside, he finds seeds.

Back home, Alfie plants the tree, but an unusual plant grows instead of a traditional Christmas tree — a giant Venus flytrap. The boy names it Lucian. The plant delights the child, and they play and have fun together. However, the boy's parents eventually evict the flytrap out to the cold, as Lucian starts destroying furniture and even hunting a small dog.

On Christmas, the family sets up a traditional tree, and the flytrap sadly watches the celebration through the window. In the morning, the boy can't resist and goes out to the plant, a gesture witnessed by his parents, who are moved by Alfie's act.

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Screenshot from the ad

All of this is accompanied by the legendary opera singer Andrea Bocelli's singing. He performs a festive song, adding even more poignant notes to the story.

The viewers' comments

The company's annual ads always attract a lot of attention online. This year, the brand decided to showcase a story under the slogan "Let Your Traditions Grow." The ad's creators urge people not to forget the old but also to make room for the new. In the comments under the video, users confess that the story brought them to tears. Users also write:

  • "Love it!"
  • "Great video."
  • "Wow, now I'll be looking forward to Christmas even more."