Valentine's Day 2025. Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14

Valentine's Day is one of the most popular holidays that unites lovers around the world every year. Although today this day is associated with romantic confessions, flowers, and chocolate, its history has deep roots dating back to ancient times.
History of Valentine's Day: origin and traditions
Valentine's Day has ancient roots dating back to the Roman Lupercalia, a fertility festival celebrated on February 15. It was a pagan ritual during which goats were sacrificed and their skin was used to beat women, believed to promote fertility.
When Christianity began to displace pagan traditions, Pope Gelasius I officially abolished Lupercalia in the fifth century and established February 14 as the day of honor for St. Valentine.
Although the original meaning of this holiday was religious, it later acquired a romantic meaning and became a symbol of love. Over time, the tradition spread across Europe and then around the world, transforming into a modern holiday for lovers.
Who was St. Valentine
It is not known for certain who exactly St. Valentine was, because historians mention several martyrs with this name. One of the most popular legends tells of the Roman priest Valentine, who secretly married lovers in violation of the order of Emperor Claudius II, who forbade marriage for soldiers. For this, Valentine was imprisoned and executed on February 14.
Another story is related to his imprisonment, during which he cured the blind daughter of a prison guard, Yulia. Before his execution, he wrote a letter to her, signing it "Your Valentine." This message may have become the first "valentine" and the saint himself the patron saint of lovers.
Statue of St. Valentine in a church in Dublin (photo: Wikipedia)
The Middle Ages: consolidation of romantic traditions
In medieval Europe, Valentine's Day was gradually associated with love. It was believed that February 14 was the day when birds began to look for a mate.
In 1375, the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer consolidated this image in his poem "The Parliament of Birds", where he wrote that this is the day when every bird chooses a mate. Later, William Shakespeare also romanticized this holiday in his works, helping to popularize the tradition of writing love notes.
The earliest surviving "valentine" dates back to 1415 and was written by the Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was in prison. Over time, this tradition spread among all segments of society, contributing to the formation of modern celebration customs.
The emergence of modern traditions: valentines, chocolate, and Cupid
In the seventeenth century, it became fashionable in Europe to send cards and poems to loved ones on Valentine's Day. The mass production of "valentines" began in the 1840s, when the American Esther Howland started making cards with lace and ribbons.
In 1861, Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped box of chocolates, launching another tradition of this day. Also, the image of Cupid, a kid with a bow and arrow, is rooted in Roman mythology, where he was originally known as Eros, the god of love.
A mid-19th century Valentine (photo: Wikipedia)
How Valentine's Day is celebrated today
Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. On this day, lovers exchange valentines, flowers, gifts, and chocolate. In addition to romantic traditions, some countries also celebrate friendship.
For example, Finland and Estonia celebrate Friends' Day on February 14. In Japan, women give chocolate to men, and exactly one month later, on March 14, men give gifts to women on the so-called "White Day".
In South Korea, the celebration is even bigger: on February 14, women give chocolate to men, on March 14, men return the favor, and on April 14, the "Black Day," those who did not receive gifts get together and eat black noodles.
Although Valentine's Day is often criticized for being commercialized, its symbolism continues to inspire people to express their feelings, making it a special day for all lovers.
Modern Valentine's cards in a shop window in Britain (photo: Wikipedia).
Sources: Britannica, History, Wikipedia.