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US to resume supplying Israel with bombs

US to resume supplying Israel with bombs US to resume supplying Israel with bombs (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States will resume supplying Israel with 500-pound aerial bombs. These supplies had been halted in April due to US concerns over an Israeli Defense Forces military operation in Rafah, citing Axios.

The supply includes 1,700 aerial bombs.

"bombs are expected to be delivered after Israel's operation in Rafah ends, which is expected to happen in two weeks," an Israeli official said.

Additionally, another source clarified to Axios that the pause in Israel's supply only concerns 2,000-pound bombs. The delay in delivering 500-pound aerial bombs is due to them getting "intermingled" with 2,000-pound bombs in one batch.

The article emphasizes that this move indicates that the US is now less concerned that Israel might use these bombs in the Gaza Strip and that the White House aims to ease tensions between US President Joe Biden and Israel supporters over his decision to delay this batch of weapons.

Israel needs these aerial bombs "in case fighting with Hezbollah on the northern border escalates into an all out war."

Meanwhile, US and Israeli officials say that the Biden administration is still considering another part of the shipment, which includes 1,800 2,000-pound aerial bombs.


In early May, it became known that US President Joe Biden decided to halt the shipment of a batch of weapons that were supposed to be sent to Israel.

A few days later, US officials confirmed that the transfer of a batch of weapons, which included 1,800 2,000-pound and 1,700 500-pound aerial bombs, was halted due to concerns over a possible Israeli operation in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, where more than a million Palestinians were taking shelter.

A day later, Biden said in an interview with CNN that if Israel invades Rafah, the US will stop supplying it with artillery shells, fighter jet bombs, and other offensive weapons.

Israeli and American officials spent several weeks trying to resolve the issue in private conversations, but last week Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu released a video accusing Biden of stopping the weapons supply to Israel.

Netanyahu's comments triggered a crisis and led to the cancellation of a strategic meeting between the US and Israel regarding Iran.

More details can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.