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US State Department sees 'productive steps' in Ukraine's victory plan

US State Department sees 'productive steps' in Ukraine's victory plan Photo: US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Last week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the US, where he presented Ukraine's victory plan. The US considers it to contain productive steps, according to Matthew Miller, US State Department spokesman.

"We took that plan, we reviewed it, we saw a number of productive steps in it," he stated.

A representative from the US State Department noted that Ukraine has not publicly disclosed the details of the plan, and therefore, the US will refrain from discussions for now.

According to Matthew Miller, the victory plan presented by Zelenskyy includes not only the steps Ukraine will take but also outlines actions expected from other countries.

"We’re going to engage with them (the Ukrainian side - ed.) about it," he added.