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US sees no signs of Russian nuclear weapons deployment in Belarus

US sees no signs of Russian nuclear weapons deployment in Belarus White House National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby (GettyImages)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States of America has yet to observe any signs indicating the implementation of Russia's statements regarding the relocation of nuclear weapons to Belarus, said the coordinator of the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, in a briefing.

"We have not seen any indications that the movement of nuclear weapons (to the territory of Belarus) is inevitable or already taking place," Kirby said.

He also emphasized that the United States has not seen any signs that would compel a change in America's strategic positions in response to the actions of Russia and Belarus.

Relocation of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus

In late May of this year, the defense ministers of Russia and Belarus signed a document on the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. According to the agreement, Russia will transfer the "Iskander-M" missile complex to Minsk, which is capable of launching missiles with nuclear warheads.

The plans of Russia have been condemned by the European Union, stating that such a decision would violate the commitments undertaken by Russia in the Budapest Memorandum. According to the memorandum, Belarus was supposed to eliminate all existing nuclear weapons.