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Ukrainian military reports situation in Chernihiv and Sumy north border regions

Ukrainian military reports situation in Chernihiv and Sumy north border regions Ukrainian military reports situation in Chernihiv and Sumy north border regions (Getty Images)

Russian tactics near the borders of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions remain unchanged. Apart from using subversive reconnaissance groups, which have a favorable geography in the north of the Sumy region - numerous forests - Russian troops are also shelling settlements along the entire border strip, spokesman for the Siversk military unit Vadym Mysnyk told RBC-Ukraine.

"But, just like the sabotage and reconnaissance groups' attempts to break through, the Russian shelling is carried out along the entire border. There is no clear concentration in a particular area, which is one of the signs of preparations for offensive actions there. In addition, there is no grouping near the border that could be ready for a large-scale Russian offensive. These forces are currently dispersed. At the same time, Russia has a single command there - the Sever military unit," the spokesperson for the Siversk operational and tactical group of troops says.

According to him, the military is monitoring closely the movement of units and equipment from Russia, and, accordingly, strengthening these areas. "Sudzha is a railroad junction station. In addition, there is Suzemka on the Sumy border and Klimovo station in the Bryansk region near the border in the Chernihiv region. These are junction stations where trains with equipment, personnel, or something else arrive. Therefore, these points are considered as those where there may be a certain concentration of Russian troops," explains Mysnyk.

However, the enemy units do not stay in these settlements - they arrive and depart there, said the spokesman. The Russians are trying to disperse to avoid being hit by the Ukrainian forces. But as soon as they appear near the border, Russian units and their equipment are destroyed.

Earlier, the head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, said that Russian troops would launch a powerful offensive in the direction of Sumy after the offensive in the Kharkiv region. According to him, Russian troops are concentrated near the town of Sudzha.

According to the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, an offensive by the Russian army against the Sumy region is possible. It could take place to stretch the front line.