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Ukraine returns bodies of 250 more fallen soldiers

Ukraine returns bodies of 250 more fallen soldiers Ukraine returns bodies of 250 more fallen soldiers (

Ukraine has returned the bodies of 250 fallen defenders to their homeland, according to the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

The bodies were repatriated from different regions, namely the Luhansk, Bakhmut, Maryinka, Avdiivka, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia directions, as well as from Mariupol, Horlivka, and morgues in Russia.

The process of returning the bodies was carried out with the assistance of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, the Ministry of Reintegration, the Commissioner for Missing Persons, the Joint Center at the Security Service of Ukraine, the Central Military Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other law enforcement agencies, departments, and international organizations.

The transfer of bodies was carried out following the Geneva Conventions. The repatriated bodies and remains will be transported to the relevant state institutions, where law enforcement officials and forensic experts will identify them.

After identification, the bodies of the fallen defenders will be handed over to their families for a decent burial.

Photo: Ukraine returns bodies of another 250 fallen soldiers (

On May 31, Ukraine returned the bodies of 212 fallen servicemen who gave their lives in fighting on different fronts.

In late April, Ukraine also received the bodies of 140 soldiers killed in the war, most of whom took part in the fighting in the Donetsk sector.