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U.S. military bases attacked in the Middle East

U.S. military bases attacked in the Middle East U.S. military bases were attacked by terrorists in the Middle East (photo: GettyImages)

For two consecutive days, U.S. military bases in the Middle East have reportedly experienced drone attacks, according to Fox News.

A drone strike targeted an American base in Syria on Wednesday, coinciding with attempted drone attacks in Iraq on the same day. On Thursday, two U.S. military bases in Syria also came under attack.

"We are seeing an uptick in drone activity. The U.S. is not prepared to take responsibility for the attacks," said Voice of America correspondent Jeff Seldin, relaying the words of the Pentagon spokesperson.

Two drones struck an airbase in western Iraq where U.S. forces are stationed, with reports of minor injuries among coalition forces.

"In the last 24 hours, the U.S. military defended against three drones near U.S. and Coalition forces in Iraq. In western Iraq, U.S. forces engaged two drones, destroying one and damaging the second, resulting in minor injuries to Coalition forces. Separately in northern Iraq, U.S. forces engaged and destroyed a drone, resulting in no injuries or damage. We are continuing to assess the impacts to operations," stated U.S. Central Command.

The statement further added, "In this moment of heightened alert, we are vigilantly monitoring the situation in Iraq and the region. We want to emphasize U.S. forces will defend U.S. and Coalition forces against any threat."

Currently, there are approximately 900 U.S. military personnel in Syria and 2,500 in Iraq, as confirmed by U.S. officials. These drone attacks in Syria and Iraq occurred after an explosion at a hospital in Gaza. Hamas immediately accused Israel of causing the explosion through an airstrike on a civilian facility. The Israel Defense Forces provided evidence that the explosion was the result of a misfired rocket launched by Palestinian terrorists.

Previously, it was reported that the United Nations had condemned the strike on the civilian facility and may conduct its own investigation into the hospital shelling in the Gaza Strip.