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Top 5 zodiac signs known for explosive tempers

Top 5 zodiac signs known for explosive tempers Astrologers told about zodiac signs that have a short temper (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

Their personalities are marked by intense emotionality, and these people are definitely not the type to keep their feelings to themselves.

Times of India, reveals the astrological signs with fiery natures.


This zodiac sign is very patient, but when that patience runs out, it results in a real explosion. This sign is like a volcano—calm and composed at first, but sooner or later, an emotional outburst is inevitable.

Stubborn and determined, this zodiac sign, when uncomfortable, shows its anger and isn't afraid of the negative reactions from others because of it.


This easygoing zodiac sign can suddenly flare up at certain moments. Known for its straightforwardness and candor, when feeling angry, Sagittarius doesn't hold back.

Those born under this sign crave love and freedom, and when they find themselves in uncomfortable situations, they let their emotions out. They can quickly switch from being light-hearted and cheerful to fiery.


This sign is known for its pride, so it's best not to anger them. Typically friendly and generous, this zodiac sign reveals its dark side when others cross its boundaries or offend it.

Leos won’t shy away from confrontation, especially if they feel disrespected. They seek admiration from others, and when this doesn't happen, an emotional outburst is likely inevitable.

Top 5 zodiac signs known for explosive tempers

Which zodiac signs are hot-tempered and why (Photo:


A fiery zodiac sign that expresses anger quickly and calms down just as fast. They don't hold back their feelings and are highly emotional, making it easy to read Aries’s current mood.


Those born under this sign may not show their anger immediately but only over time. Their sharp and candid nature leads to a massive emotional explosion, but Scorpios find inner peace and balance once it subsides.

Astrologers have also previously shared about four zodiac signs of women who should prioritize themselves.

And find out the luckiest days in September for each zodiac sign.