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This timeless universal color to stay trendy in 2024

This timeless universal color to stay trendy in 2024 Black keeps being trendy in 2024 (Photo: Freepik)

Black color has always been considered universal, as it is a classic that can be combined with various colors, shades, and styles. The question of how fashionable black will be in 2024 is discussed in the Telegram channel of stylist Eliz Gan, Pocket stylist.

Total black remains with us in 2024

Black color is about grandeur, strength, and unabashed self-acceptance, as well as the ability to express oneself. This color makes every girl who desires to be noticed stand out.

With it, one can successfully showcase oneself, as it emphasizes all the features and does not conceal women's peculiarities. Black, like white, is about purity and a way to confirm self-acceptance without unnecessary embellishments.

Don't forget that black is quite interesting for creating different and unique looks, as it has the property of adding purity, grandeur, sensuality, and attractiveness to outfits.

Black loves accessories, so when creating your looks, confidently add them to your outfits, allowing you to experiment with textures and forms of items of this color.

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Black color remains a trend in 2024 (photo:

Sometimes this color is perceived as an opportunity to hide, neutralize oneself in society, and conceal any imperfections, if they exist, of course. However, it possesses exceptional attractiveness, which always leaves its mark on every woman's image.

Black looks great in any combination, but total black plays with special shades. No woman can look dull in it; the key is to emphasize your look with makeup and hairstyle.

In total black, it is also important to focus on accessories; for example, bags of bright colors, footwear, and jewelry will make your style more expressive and unique. And since this color suits all body types, it remains a trend from year to year.

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'Total black' keeps being trendy (photo: