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This fruit can help you live 5 years longer

This fruit can help you live 5 years longer Which fruit promotes longevity (Illustrative photo:

A new study conducted by scientists on mice indicates that consuming grapes may reduce the risk of dementia and help extend lifespan by up to five years.

What are the benefits of grapes for longevity

One study may have uncovered a key to combating dementia and potentially extending life - grapes.

Researchers were surprised by their findings, which indicated that incorporating this familiar fruit into a high-fat diet could reduce the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and enhance antioxidant gene levels.

Previous research has linked NAFLD to an increased risk of developing dementia. A team from the University of Western New England conducted the study on mice and proposed that the positive effects could translate to an additional four to five years of human life.

Grapes are rich in beneficial antioxidants, including resveratrol, known to activate a gene associated with longevity, and flavonoids, which provide anti-inflammatory effects.

Professor of Pharmacy John Pezzuto, who leads the research group with over 600 published articles, called the study's results remarkable.

While many people use dietary supplements, Dr. Pezzuto insists that it's impossible to obtain sufficient antioxidants from them to achieve real benefits.

In another study, his team found that consuming grapes alters gene expression in the brain, leading to improved behavior and cognitive functions, even when subjected to a high-fat diet.

Specifically, grapes positively modified genes associated with the development of fatty liver in mice, suggesting that they could prevent or mitigate fat accumulation in the liver, which is a significant concern.

Additionally, another article in the journal Food and Nutrition highlights the positive effects of grapes on metabolism.

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