Tarot horoscope for August 18: Aquarius to have miraculous day, and Virgos to receive important sign

On Sunday, August 18, Aquarius and Aries will be very lucky. Virgos should be on the lookout for an important sign.
You have been dealt the Three of Swords card. Everything comes to an end sooner or later, and the “black streak” in your life will soon come to an end. Welcome the beginning of a new life.
Your card for August 18 is the Four of Swords. Try not to take on too much, you need to rest. Difficult times are behind you.
You were dealt the Seven of Swords. Sooner or later, everything secret comes to the surface. Be prepared for your secrets to be revealed.
Your card for Sunday is the Ace of Swords. You will soon achieve what you want, but you will have to try hard. A final breakthrough awaits you, so gather your strength.
You have been dealt the Eight of Cups. Don't let your emotions run wild, try to calm down. Not all events will please you, but there is nothing wrong with that.
Your card for this day is the Five of Cups. Look around, you are running away from memories in vain. On this day, you will receive an important sign that will help you.
You have been dealt the Empress card. Set new goals for yourself, you will be able to achieve everything. It is only important to remember the experience you have gained in the past.
Your card for August 18 is the Seven of Cups. Be careful, you may be deceived on this day. Not everything is as good as you think, you need to enlist the support of those you trust.
You were dealt the Six of Pentacles card. Enjoy stability, you will be able to gain harmony and put things in order in all areas of life.
Your card for Sunday is the Magician. Many interesting opportunities await you. It's time to unleash your full potential and finally get rid of the shackles that have been preventing you from moving forward.
You have been dealt the Nine of Cups. It will be an incredible day, let the holiday break into your life. There can be a lot of miracles and joyful events.
Your card for August 18 is the Five of Pentacles. Don't try to resist events that are inevitable. Everyone has losses, and you have to accept them.
By the way, we have already told you which zodiac signs will get rid of problems.