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Supplement #1 that could add 7-8 years to your life

Supplement #1 that could add 7-8 years to your life Photo: What supplement can extend your life (

A doctor from New York has reported that a bioactive supplement could help people live longer by restoring their bodies to their chromosomes, the Science website reports.

Which supplement will extend your life

Dr Aziz, author of the upcoming book "The Eternal Revolution", says that taurine has many health benefits, the most important of which is that it can significantly extend your life.

"It is quite possible that it can add seven to eight years to your lifespan. So this is the number one supplement I would recommend, and I would suggest 2 grams per day," he said.

This figure comes from a 2023 study, which showed that mice taking taurine lived three to four months longer than those who took nothing.

The experiment demonstrated a 12% increase in lifespan for females and 10% for males, which translates to seven to eight years in humans.

How taurine helps us live longer

Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid naturally found in the body, but it can also be found in meat, fish, and eggs. Dr Aziz explains that you will never get enough from your diet. Interestingly, it is also a popular ingredient in energy drinks, such as Red Bull.

Last year's studies linked taurine loss to age-related diseases in humans. They found that adding taurine supplements slows down some key aging markers, including DNA damage, telomerase deficiency, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular aging.