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Summer break: Educator on how to not ruin it for kids

Summer break: Educator on how to not ruin it for kids RBC-Ukraine collage
Author: Maria Kholina

Summer holidays are a highly anticipated time for children, offering them a break from the routine of school, a chance to relax, gain new experiences, and enjoy time with family and friends. However, for parents, this period can also be a source of concern as they wish for their children to not only have the maximum enjoyment from their break but also not forget about their studies, maintain their health, and stay out of trouble.

Educator Anzhelika Tsymbalaru shared advice on how parents can ensure a fulfilling holiday for their children and identify educational resources during the vacation period in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

What can be educational resource during summer holidays?

“It’s wonderful if the family has the opportunity to travel. In this case, the child will certainly talk about their travel experiences, which helps in developing speech,” the expert says.

Also, children can practice their math skills by calculating expenses for tickets, food, and accommodation.

Observing the local area, its people, and traditions can help children gain a deeper understanding of relevant topics from subjects like World Studies.

“It’s great if parents can send their child to a summer camp for one session. I emphasize: not more than one! Children who are sent to camp for the whole summer often feel unwanted by their family. If this is not possible, enrolling the child in a children's section, club, or workshop is also a good option,” she advises.

However, it is also important not to overdo it, as attending more than two clubs at once can lead to fatigue.

“Encourage your child to ask as many questions as possible, and most importantly, either answer them yourself or search for answers together in books and online sources,” Tsymbalaru recommends.

How not to ruin children's holidays?

Firstly, the experienced educator advises parents to increase the time spent communicating, playing, going on excursions, and engaging in other joint activities with their child.

Additionally, ask what your child would like to do this summer with their parents and try to fulfill at least one of their wishes.