Stars to fulfill dreams of these zodiac signs - Tarot cards named lucky charms

Until November 15, while Saturn is Retrograde, representatives of four zodiac signs will see all their dreams come true. The stars will help them find their happiness.
Which zodiac signs Tarot cards promise an incredible period to, is told by Metro.
You often exhibit excessive caution, sometimes losing something very important as a result. However, soon you'll be able to dispel doubts and allow the stars to change your life. By autumn, your dream could become a reality.
Your life isn't always filled with joy and adventure, despite secretly yearning for it. Acknowledge what you truly desire. Once you do, pleasant surprises await you with good news, and all your wishes will finally come true.
Soon, someone will come into your life who will help heal emotional wounds. Don't be afraid to open up; isolating yourself because of one person's betrayal isn't necessary. Soon, you will forget all the negativity as you begin to receive what you've desired.
By the end of autumn, you will resolve a complex issue that has prevented you from enjoying life peacefully. This will not only bring you happiness but also the opportunity to move forward. A period of significant growth is about to begin, where all your dreams will come true.
We recently discussed which zodiac signs will have a chance at happiness.