Silicon promotes longevity and protects against inflammation: Nutritionist's explanation

Silicon is often referred to as the mineral of youth and beauty. It plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions and even has anti-inflammatory effects, according to nutritionist and therapist Olha Barova-Abduloieva.
Benefits of silicon
This microelement stimulates bone tissue growth and is crucial for its recovery, especially after fractures.
Silicon is also significant in synthesizing collagen, keratin, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which are essential for joints' bone and cartilage tissue, skin, nails, hair, teeth, and blood vessel walls.
Additionally, it actively participates in calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
The nutritionist highlighted that silicon has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. It promotes wound healing, is effective in treating gum inflammation, and is used in acne treatment.
It can also improve memory and concentration. Silicon is involved in regulating metabolism, and the formation of enzymes, hormones, and amino acids.
Signs of silicon deficiency
Olha Barova identified key signs indicating a silicon deficiency:
- The body tires quickly, memory is impaired, and there are persistent headaches.
- Immunity decreases.
- Other minerals are poorly absorbed, leading to various complications and pathologies.
- Bruises and hemorrhages appear.
- Atherosclerosis develops.
- There are issues with cartilage and joints.
- Tooth enamel softens and wears away.
- Facial rashes occur.
- Hair becomes brittle.
Silicon in drinking water
The amount of silicon in water, like many other chemical elements, is regulated by state sanitary standards. This concentration should not exceed 10 mg/dm³. But what if the silicon in the water is above or below the norm?
Silicon concentrations in different water sources can range from 1 mg to several hundred mg (in thermal springs) per liter. The body's daily requirement for silicon is between 20 to 30 mg.
Children during growth periods, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people recovering from serious illnesses and injuries need significantly more silicon. Also, the body's ability to absorb silicon decreases with age, which should be considered in dietary planning.
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