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Shelling of Kherson region, August 20 - One man lost his life

Shelling of Kherson region, August 20 - One man lost his life In Kherson region, Russians dropped an explosive device from a drone (photo: Getty Images)

In Novoberislav, located in the Kherson region, Russian invaders dropped two explosive devices from a drone. As a result of this incident, a man tragically lost his life, reports Oleksandr Prokudin, the Head of the Kherson Regional State Administration, in his Telegram message.

According to his statement, at approximately 3:30 PM, the occupiers dropped two explosive devices from a drone onto a man who was walking on the streets of Novoberislav.

"Due to the injuries sustained, the 33-year-old local resident tragically lost his life on the spot," wrote Prokudin.

The situation in the Kherson region

Following the Ukrainian military's reclaiming of the right bank of the Dnipro River in the Kherson region, Russian-backed terrorists have been conducting daily attacks in the region, including in the city of Kherson. These attacks involve the use of heavy weaponry and aviation.

Indeed, today, Russian forces launched an attack from a tank on a residential building in Kozatske, Kherson region. As a result of the shelling, a woman tragically lost her life. The ongoing conflict and security situation in the region continue to pose significant risks to the local population.