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Shahed-drones enter Belarusian airspace: Air Force scrambles aircraft

Shahed-drones enter Belarusian airspace: Air Force scrambles aircraft Iranian drone Shahed (photo: Getty Images)

Several Iranian Shahed drones have again entered Belarusian airspace. In response, the Belarusian Air Force has deployed aircraft, reports the Telegram channel Belaruski Haiun.

It was reported that at approximately 00:11, one of the drones entered Belarus from the direction of the Chernihiv region in Ukraine and was moving towards the Chornobyl Zone.

"At the same time, at 00:15, a fighter jet from the Belarusian Air Force was launched from Baranovichi Airfield and is now heading south," the report said, citing the monitor channel.

At 00:36, Belaruski Haiun reported that two more Shahed drones were entering Belarus from the Chernihiv region.

"A fighter jet from the Belarusian Air Force is currently patrolling the airspace in the southern part of the country, coming from Baranovichi," the Telegram channel reported.