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September 3rd New Moon: Astrologer's advice on what to avoid

September 3rd New Moon: Astrologer's advice on what to avoid Photo: detailed Astrological forecast for September 3 (

The new moon arrives on Tuesday, August 3rd. However, Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova mentioned that this day involves more than just this event. Mercury is still retrograde, and Mars and Venus may also influence us. The astrologer shared what this New Moon will bring us and which plans should be avoided today.

Astrological weather forecast for September 3rd

Mercury is still in its shadow period, so remember that this is an unfavorable time for new ventures and important decisions.

"You should avoid starting a business, getting married, dealing with legal matters, making expensive purchases, and undergoing plastic or cosmetic procedures," Soloviova reminded.

Additionally, the conjunction of Venus—the planet of harmony, beauty, finance, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnership—with the Black Moon, a fictional karmic calculation point symbolizing our "inner demon-tempter," is already in effect.

"It characterizes our hidden traits, fears, anxieties, and complexes that are often suppressed in the subconscious. This aspect becomes exact on September 4th," the astrologer explained.

"Therefore, the period up to and including August 6th is not recommended for starting businesses, getting married, initiating legal matters, making expensive purchases, or undergoing plastic surgery. During this time, mistakes, miscalculations, and conflicts are possible. Avoid sexual escapades," she added.

September 3rd New Moon: Astrologer's advice on what to avoid

Horoscope for September 3 (illustration:

September New Moon: What you need to know

The exact phase of the New Moon occurs on September 3rd at 04:55 Kyiv time. Therefore, it is advisable to plan everything on Tuesday.

"Everything you plan during this time has a greater chance of coming to fruition than during other phases of the Moon. The first hour of the first day, from 04:55 to 05:55 Kyiv time, is particularly favorable. The Moon will be in Virgo, and the ruler of the New Moon will be Mercury," the astrologer said.

"Since the New Moon occurs during the shadow period of retrograde Mercury, it is better to focus on planning situations that have already happened in your life, rather than starting new processes," she added.

The Moon and the Sun, as Soloviova noted, will be in difficult aspects with Saturn (the planet of wisdom, limitations, duties, time, responsibility, laws, overcoming difficulties, order, and karma) and Jupiter (the planet of 'great happiness,' broad horizons, abundant opportunities, travel, jurisprudence, lawmaking, education, science, and everything foreign).

"Both luminaries at the moment of the New Moon will create one 'Mark of Unhappiness' each. This means that everything you plan will face certain problems during its implementation. Health, work, the collective, subordinates, unskilled labor, and pets will be in focus," the astrologer explained.

September 3rd New Moon: Astrologer's advice on what to avoid

The New Moon is coming (illustration:

Astrology life hacks for September 3rd

"This Tuesday is a day of Mars, the planet of activity, determination, enthusiasm, courage, a combative attitude, and the intention to win," Soloviova said.

Given the overall tone of the day, do not initiate new activities tomorrow related to:

  • Starting a new job
  • Purchasing or repairing a car or household appliances
  • Long-distance travel
  • Overtime work
  • Using a weapon for the first time in your life.

"Do not amplify the Martian energy by using red and its shades. Avoid spicy foods, meat, and alcohol. Do not hurt others, even with words. Avoid watching aggressive content (news, videos, photos)," advises the astrologer.

"Forgive those who have offended you and, under no circumstances, offend others yourself. You can defend yourself against aggression, start a course of vitamins to support your body's energy," she added.