Scientists named category of men with longest life expectancy

Who among us doesn't want to live as long as possible? A new study by scientists has revealed a key link between sperm quality and men's life expectancy, reports Human Reproduction.
What did the study find about men's life expectancy
Scientific work suggests that men with higher sperm motility can live almost three years longer than those with poorer sperm quality.
For this new study, researchers evaluated the sperm quality of 78,284 men using samples taken from 1965 to 2015 at the public semen analysis laboratory in Copenhagen.
They focused on sperm motility, which varied greatly across the sample, and included markers such as sperm volume and concentration.
The total number of motile sperm was calculated for each man and then compared to their mortality rates as reported in Danish national records.
On average, the researchers observed each man for 23 years, although some were observed for only 8 years and others for 45 years. During this period, 8600 men died, which is 11% of the total study group.
Scientists found that men with a total motile sperm count of more than 120 million per milliliter had an average life expectancy of 80.3 years. The life expectancy of people with a count between 0 and 5 million was 77.6 years, a significant difference of 2.7 years.
"The lower the quality of sperm, the lower the life expectancy," said lead author Lerke Priscorn.
What does this mean for you
All in all, this new research shows that male reproductive health may be a key to overall health and longevity.
More specifically, poor sperm quality can be indicative of underlying issues that can affect your longevity.
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