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Russian troops shell Kherson, one person wounded

Russian troops shell Kherson, one person wounded Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Russian invaders shelled Kherson once again. One person was wounded in the attack, reports the Kherson war administration.

"In the afternoon, the enemy attacked the city. A residential area was hit," the statement said.

As a result of the shelling, a 37-year-old man sustained shrapnel wounds to the head and an explosive injury. He was hospitalized. Doctors are currently providing him with the necessary assistance.

Shelling of Kherson and the region

Russian troops are constantly shelling Kherson and the region. The situation with the attacks on the right bank by the invaders is so serious that it is under the control of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The Russian invaders attacked Kherson on the morning of December 5. Then, as a result of the shelling of the city center, two people were killed and one was injured.

On December 9, three people were injured in Kherson due to Russian shelling.