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Russian General eliminated in Ukraine - Brirish intelligence

Russian General eliminated in Ukraine - Brirish intelligence One of the Russian army generals eliminated in Ukraine (Russian media)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian Major General Sergey Goryachev is believed to have been killed on or around June 12, 2023, in a strike on a command post in southern Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom's Twitter.

Goryachev was the chief of staff of the 35th Combined Arms Army (35 CAA).

According to British intelligence, with 35 CAA’s nominated commander, General-Lieutenant Alexandr Sanchik, reported to be filling a gap in a higher HQ, there is a realistic possibility that Goryachev was the acting army commander at the time of his death.

Goryachev is the first Russian general confirmed killed in Ukraine since the start of 2023.

"He continues a military service record that has been simultaneously challenging and controversial for the 35th CAA: in March 2022, the army units were present during the crackdown on the civilian population in Bucha, and in June 2022, the forces were significantly decimated near Izium," the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom said.

Tenth eliminated general

Russian media reported that Major General Sergey Goryachev was eliminated on the Zaporizhzhia front. It was reported that he was killed in a missile attack. He is the tenth Russian general to have died in the full-scale war.

Goryachev led the Russian occupation contingent in Transnistria, commanded a military base in Tajikistan, and also the training center in Khabarovsk.

At the beginning of the war, he was the commander of the 5th Separate Tank Brigade. Within a year of the full-scale war, he was promoted to the deputy commander of the 35th Combined Arms Army. Goryachev became a Major General and was appointed as the chief of staff of the army.