ua en ru

Russian Forces intensify forced recruitment in occupied territories of Ukraine

Russian Forces intensify forced recruitment in occupied territories of Ukraine Photo: Russia intensifies mobilization (Getty Images)

Russian occupiers are intensifying mobilization efforts in Ukraine's occupied territories. Recruiters have recently become particularly "active," according to the Center for National Resistance (CNS).

The information resource noted that raids in public places and filtration procedures at checkpoints occur daily. One recent "sweep" occurred in the Primorsky district of temporarily occupied Mariupol.

The enemy is focusing particular attention on young men. Representatives of the occupation "authorities" question individuals about their activities, place of work, and attitude toward the so-called special military operation. If men cannot avoid recruiters, they are forced to listen to lectures on patriotism and the "benefits" of serving in the Russian army.

"It's not only about propaganda slogans. The Russian occupation administration has created conditions where men can only obtain a Russian passport through fake recruitment offices," the report said.

The CNS also added that a recent study was published on the lifespan of recruited Russian soldiers. Contract soldiers sent to the front after signing relevant documents in prison reportedly survive no longer than eight months.

At the end of the publication, the Center for National Resistance urged residents of temporarily occupied territories to avoid the risk of being mobilized into the Russian army.

In occupied Starobilsk, Luhansk region, Russian troops have organized propaganda raids in local schools. High school students are encouraged to join the Russian Armed Forces, with promises of financial rewards.