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Russia will switch to defense at Ukraine frontline in 1-1,5 months - National Guard chief

Russia will switch to defense at Ukraine frontline in 1-1,5 months - National Guard chief Ukraine's National Guard Commander Oleksandr Pivnenko (t me Pivnenko_NGU)

The Russian army will go on the defensive at the front in 1-1,5 months. The Russians will not be able to continue their assaults in several directions, considering their heavy losses, says Ukraine's National Guard Commander Oleksandr Pivnenko in an interview with Ukrinform.

“It is difficult (at the front - ed.). But the enemy's offensive capabilities are not unlimited, and they suffer losses... I think in another month or month and a half they will not be able to conduct active assaults in many directions at once and will be on the defensive in any case. And during this time we need to form our units and prepare them. This is war...” he said.

According to Pivnenko, the Armed Forces need to look for the enemy's weaknesses and bypass their strengths.

“We need to adapt, change the management model, set tasks: if it does not work, try asymmetrically. But you can't change everything radically, everything takes time, especially when it comes to systemic changes,” the general said.

Situation at the front

On July 24, 149 combat clashes took place on the frontline in Ukraine. The situation remains the most difficult in the Pokrovsk and Kurakhove sectors.

According to analysts of the Institute for the Study of War, Russian troops conducted a raid near Sotnytskyi Kozachok on the border of the Kharkiv region. The advance of the Russian military near Avdiivka and Donetsk is also recorded at the front.