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Russia spreads another fake about abuse of Ukraine's mobilized soldiers

Russia spreads another fake about abuse of Ukraine's mobilized soldiers Russia spreads another fake about abuse of Ukraine's mobilized soldiers (photo: Getty Images)

Russia is spreading another fake about the alleged abuse of mobilized soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, verification did not confirm the authenticity of the published footage, states the Center for Countering Disinformation.

As noted, hostile Telegram channels have begun to spread a video that allegedly shows the facts of abuse of mobilized soldiers in the 128th separate mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The footage was allegedly recorded by one of the brigade's combat medics.

After verification of the information in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Center for Human Rights reported that the videos of alleged cruelty to mobilized soldiers were another Russian propaganda stunt.

After the verification, no facts were found to support the statements of the author of the videos.

The Center added that Russia spreads such fakes as part of an information campaign. In particular, it is aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and disrupting the general mobilization.

“Trust only verified sources of information,” the Center for Countering Disinformation emphasized.

Russian media recently showed a video of the destruction of an IRIS-T system along with Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel. The incident allegedly took place in the Sumy region. However, as it turned out, the published footage is not true.