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Russia shells Budy near Kharkiv: 22 injured, two killed

Russia shells Budy near Kharkiv: 22 injured, two killed Ambulance (photo: Getty Images)

Today, on July 13, Russian troops shelled the village of Budy in the Kharkiv region. As a result of the attack, 22 people were injured, reports the Head of the Kharkiv military administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

As of the time of the first report (at 17:18), 16 people were injured as a result of the Russian shelling of a civilian infrastructure facility.

"Nine of them were hospitalized, including one child. One person died," the military administration reported.

The number of victims increased after the location was shelled again. The ambulance that responded to the call was also damaged.

The information is currently being updated, as noted by Syniehubov.

Later, the head of the OVA said that the number of victims had increased to 22, and it became known that 2 were dead.

Russia continues to strike other regions of Ukraine. In particular, the enemy dropped a bomb on a bus stop with people in the Donetsk region. The attack resulted in casualties and many wounded.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that on Friday, July 12, Russia attacked power engineers twice in the Donetsk region. Three employees were injured.