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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of July 12: +1,030 troops and 5 missiles

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of July 12: +1,030 troops and 5 missiles General Staff updates data on Russian losses in Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian losses in the war in Ukraine over July 11 amounted to 1,030 occupiers, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total Russian combat losses from February 24, 2022, to July 12, 2024, are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel: 556,650 (+1,030) eliminated
  • Tanks: 8,191 (+9) units
  • APV (Armored personnel vehicles): 15,755 (+23) units
  • Artillery systems: 15,158 (+48) units
  • MLRS (Multiple launch rocket systems): 1,119 units
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems: 888 (+2) units
  • Aircraft: 361 units
  • Helicopters: 326 units
  • UAVs operational-tactical level: 12,035 (+26) units
  • Cruise missiles: 2,397 (+5) units
  • Warships/boats: 28 units
  • Submarines: 1 unit
  • Vehicles and fuel tankers: 20,409 (+84) units
  • Special equipment: 2,543 (+8) units

According to ISW, Defense Forces advanced in the Kharkiv region, but the Russians are pressing in Donbas.

On the evening of Thursday, July 11, the Russians launched strike drones and several groups of cruise missiles from the Kursk region toward Ukraine.

Subsequently, air defense forces shot down several enemy targets in the Khmelnytsky region.