ua en ru

Russia keeps one Kalibr carrier in Black Sea

Russia keeps one Kalibr carrier in Black Sea Russian ship (photo:

On the morning of August 15, one enemy vessel was detected in the Black Sea. This ship is armed with Kalibr cruise missiles and can launch up to four missiles in a single salvo, according to a report from the Ukrainian Navy.

As of 06:00, no enemy ships have been reported in the Sea of Azov. Similarly, there are no Russian vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, where typically two ships, including one armed with Kalibr missiles, have been observed.

According to the Ukrainian Navy, over the past 24 hours, the following vessels have passed through the Kerch Strait in the interest of Russia:

  • To the Black Sea - 9 vessels, of which 6 continued towards the Bosporus Strait.
  • To the Sea of Azov - 11 vessels, with 1 moving from the Bosporus Strait.

Additionally, Russia continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), which jeopardizes maritime safety in the region.

On August 2, the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the Russian submarine Rostov-on-Don, causing the vessel to sink in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.

Earlier, it was reported that, according to Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy, the submarines of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are primarily stationed in the eastern part of the Black Sea.