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Russia completes testing of new type of gliding aerial bomb - ISW

Russia completes testing of new type of gliding aerial bomb - ISW The Russian army is adopting upgraded FABs (photo from open sources)

Russia is advancing the production and deployment of new precision-guided bombs with enhanced accuracy and range, reports the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

According to Russian military bloggers, the Russian forces have completed testing of the FAB-3000 M54 glide bombs with unified planning and correction modules (UPCM), as well as the FAB-500 M62 glide bombs with extended-range UPCM.

Soon, Russian bomber aviation regiments will begin to equip these bombs.

Росія завершила випробування плануючих авіабомб нового типу, - ISW

FAB-3000 M54 (photo: Russian media)

Росія завершила випробування плануючих авіабомб нового типу, - ISW

FAB-3000 M54 (

In June, the Russians released footage of the first use of the FAB-3000 M54 against Ukrainian forces in the Kharkiv region.

The Russian army most frequently uses FAB-250 and FAB-500 bombs for strikes on Ukraine. However, as early as spring 2022, the Russian army used FAB-3000 bombs for attacks on Mariupol.