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Reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease: Doctors name incredibly useful fruit

Reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease: Doctors name incredibly useful fruit Which fruit reduces the risk of many diseases (photo: Freepik)

The exotic pitahaya fruit is called a "superfood". It is also known as "dragon fruit". Its fruits contain many nutrients that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that eating this exotic fruit can potentially reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, writes Forbes.

What is the benefit of dragon fruit

Pitahaya is grown in Mexico, Central and South America, the Philippines, Israel, Vietnam, and other Asian countries. This fruit has bright red, pink, or yellow skin with green juicy scales.

Depending on the variety, the flesh of the fruit can be white or pink and contain tiny edible black seeds. Pitahaya has a crunchy texture and a sweet taste similar to a pear or kiwi. This fruit is usually added to cocktails or fruit salads.

"Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants that may reduce your risk of diseases and low immune function and help to improve your health," says nutritionist Kim Shapira.

She names the main health benefits of consuming pitahaya.

Reduces risk of diseases and strengthens immunity

"Dragon fruit" contains antioxidant vitamins C and A, as well as potassium. These compounds may help prevent inflammatory and oxidative diseases, including:

  • diabetes

  • cardiovascular diseases

  • cancer

  • dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)

  • metabolic syndrome (a combination of conditions that increase the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart disease)

Reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Doctors named a fruit that is very useful for healthPitahaya is very useful for health (photo: Freepik)

Improves digestion

Pitahaya is a "prebiotic" that supports digestive health, says nutritionist Melanie Marcus.

"The oligosaccharides (carbohydrate chains containing three to 10 sugar units) in dragon fruit aren’t digested in the stomach but instead act as fuel for healthy gut bacteria. By promoting the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, two important strains of gut bacteria, dragon fruit may help support a healthy digestive system and boosts our immune defenses," says Markus.

Provides high fiber content

60 grams of dragon fruit contains over 3 grams of fiber. The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is 28 grams per day, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Thus, the consumption of this fruit can partially cover the body's fiber needs.

Increases hydration

Dragon fruit is a source of hydration that helps with digestion and constipation. However, this fruit contains a lot of fructose, which can lead to gas, bloating and diarrhea. Therefore, Shapira recommends testing your body's reaction to this fruit - first eat half of the fruit, wait at least 15 minutes before eating the rest.

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