ua en ru

Putin signs law raising retirement age for Russian armed forces

Putin signs law raising retirement age for Russian armed forces Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has signed a law raising the retirement age for certain categories of Russians with military ranks, according to the relevant document.

The raised retirement age will affect soldiers, sailors, sergeants, warrant officers, and petty officers. The retirement age for those in the first category will increase from 35 to 40 years, from 45 to 50 years for the second category, and from 50 to 55 years for the third category.

The maximum age for reservists in the mobilization reserve will also be raised. The new norms are set to come into effect on January 1, 2024. However, there will be a transitional period until January 1, 2028, during which citizens in the reserve will be gradually transferred to retirement.

Furthermore, the law allows the possibility of signing a contract with a citizen who holds citizenship or nationality of another state, provided they are under the age of 52. This provision also applies to individuals with a residence permit or other documents confirming their right to permanent residence in a foreign country.

The law also outlines cases where a citizen's reserve status can be suspended, such as being called to military service through mobilization, signing a contract during their military service period, or signing a contract to voluntarily support tasks assigned to the armed forces.

Mobilization in Russia

In September 2022, Putin declared a partial mobilization due to losses in the war against Ukraine.

For instance, to expedite mobilization efforts, Russia proposed notifying mobilized individuals about their conscription via SMS messages. Moscow authorities also suggested exchanging construction workers for volunteer employees to send them to the front lines on municipal contracts.

Furthermore, Russia plans to increase fines related to mobilization by tenfold.