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Putin acts like Hitler: Czech politician on why Russia failed to capture Ukraine

Putin acts like Hitler: Czech politician on why Russia failed to capture Ukraine Chairman of the Senate of the Czech Parliament Miloš Vystrčil (facebook com milosvystrcil)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, in all instances, when initiating the war in Georgia or during the annexation of Crimea, acted much like Adolf Hitler. However, during his attempt to seize Ukraine, he failed to follow the familiar script because he did not anticipate resistance, according to the Chairman of the Senate of the Czech Parliament, Miloš Vystrčil, at the Crimea Platform.

"He did not expect resistance. Fortunately, he miscalculated this time. Ukraine began to defend itself, and the democratic world woke up. Today, everything looks different. We support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian aggressor," he said.

The politician believes that Putin's aggressor voracity is well known in Czechia.

"It was a big mistake in 2008 when Putin did what he did in Abkhazia, Georgia, and then in 2014 when he came to Crimea and covertly entered Luhansk and Donetsk, and we did not provide an adequate response. So when Russian tanks arrived in Ukraine in 2022, we saw that Putin was acting like Adolf Hitler," Vystrčil added, noting that this sentiment has been discussed in Czechia multiple times, including during the Crimea Platform in 2021.

Comparison of Putin to Hitler

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been consistently compared to Adolf Hitler. Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, previously stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin finds himself in a similar position to Hitler in 1943. Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN, Serhii Kyslytsia, expressed the opinion that Putin has two options: surrender or take his own life, similar to Hitler. Notably, 94% of Ukrainians consider Putin to be a modern-day Hitler.