Popular and modern cosmetic product may lead to cancer

Scientists say that a certain type of facial cosmetic may contain a life-threatening carcinogen. However, there is currently no conclusive evidence to support this claim.
What is known about the product and why is it harmful
Almost 2,000 potential plaintiffs are suing a pharmaceutical company in the world’s first case regarding the potential presence of cancer-causing agents in their talc.
In total, 1,900 potential plaintiffs, including cancer patients, victims, and their families, plan to file a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, the leading global talc seller. If the case proceeds, it will become the largest lawsuit against a pharmaceutical group in the history of English and Welsh legislation.
The agency emphasized that the decision to classify talc as likely carcinogenic is based on several levels of evidence: limited evidence of a link to ovarian cancer in humans, sufficient evidence of its role in causing cancer in rats, and convincing evidence of its carcinogenic effects on human cells.
Additionally, the IARC classified a chemical compound used in the production of many consumer goods (from fibers in clothing and carpets to plastics) as a carcinogen - acrylonitrile. Experts found sufficient evidence linking acrylonitrile to lung cancer.
The IARC stated that studies show an increased incidence of ovarian cancer in women who applied talc to their genital areas.
Talc is a natural mineral widely used in the production of baby powder and cosmetics. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), most people come into contact with talc through such products. However, the highest risk is faced by workers involved in the mining, processing, or use of talc in manufacturing.
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