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Pilot linked to Amstor shopping center attack in Kremenchuk eliminated near Bryansk

Pilot linked to Amstor shopping center attack in Kremenchuk eliminated near Bryansk Photo: a Tu-22M3 pilot was eliminated near Bryansk (

On October 20, a Russian Tu-22M3 pilot involved in attacks on Dnipro and Kremenchuk was eliminated near Bryansk, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate.

"On the morning of October 20, the body of war criminal Dmytro Holienkov was found in a garden in the village of Suponevo near Bryansk, Russia," the report states.

The Russian pilot's body was discovered with multiple head injuries, likely caused by a hammer.

Pilot linked to Amstor shopping center attack in Kremenchuk eliminated near BryanskPilot linked to Amstor shopping center attack in Kremenchuk eliminated near Bryansk

What is known about the pilot

Dmitriy Holienkov was a pilot in the 52nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces (military unit 33310), based at the Shaykovka airfield, operating Tu-22M3 bombers. He held the position of chief of staff of the Russian aviation squadron.

Connection to attacks on Dnipro and Kremenchuk

Holienkov was involved in missile strikes against Ukrainian civilian targets, including the attack on the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk, Poltava regiln, on June 27, 2022. At the time of the attack, approximately 1,000 people were present in the mall. This war crime resulted in the deaths of 22 individuals, with dozens more injured.

He was also responsible for a missile strike on a residential building in Dnipro on January 14, 2023, which claimed the lives of 46 Ukrainian civilians, including six children.

Not the first elimination of a Russian pilot

In June 2022, Russia acknowledged the elimination of Major General Kanamat Botashev, a retired Russian Air Force officer. He was piloting a Su-25 aircraft, which was shot down by Ukrainian forces in the Luhansk region on May 22.